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NYC 2015

Nazarene Youth Conference

Louisville, Kentucky

July 8 - 12, 2015

Nazarene Youth Conference (NYC), an exciting and life-changing event for high school students, occurs just once every four years. The second-largest event sponsored by the Church of the Nazarene, NYC is open to students entering 9th grade in the fall of 2015 through those just graduated from high school as members of the class of 2015.

At NYC 2011, Canada had over 150 students from four districts.

Through an experience overflowing with dynamic speakers, powerful worship services, high-energy concerts from leading artists in Christian music, service projects that impact the host city in significant ways, and so much more, NYC 2015 has the power to transform hearts and lives in amazing ways.

For more information visit or contact your district NYC Coordinator.


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