Youth Embrace Water Challenge
All over the world, our churches, youth and young adults are taking up the new water challenge. The Justice Movement is a collective...

PALCON - Engaging Our Leaders
PALCON's (Pastors and Leaders Conference) mission is simple "to encourage, challenge, and equip those who minister". This year saw over...

Canadians Participating at NYC 2015
Close to 170 Canadians from the Pacific, West, Central and Atlantic districts traveled to Louisville, Kentucky to participate with 6500...

New Book by Dr. Clair MacMillan
As the nineteenth century was drawing to a close, several significant social shifts were occurring concurrently in...

Whitehorse Goes To Haiti
After several years of waiting, praying, and with a growing yearning to be involved in missions, a team of eleven people (six women, five...

A Step in the Right Direction
When I was growing up it was assumed my siblings and I would all get an education. It wasn’t planned or pushed upon us but rather it was...

Ambrose Update
These days continue to be exciting for our national denominational school. Keep up to date on all the Ambrose news at www.ambrose.edu

NCM Gift Catalogue Available
The 2014-15 NCM Canada gift catalogue is hot off the press! Copies of the catalogue have been mailed to Nazarene churches in Canada -...

Nazarene Pastor Involved in RCMP Memorial Services
Dr. Gary Cowper, pastor of the Moncton First Church of the Nazarene (Moncton, NB) was recently invited to be a part of the chaplaincy...

Third Wave: Costa Rica
Third Wave is a global forum to gather and develop emerging NYI leaders in a global context. As a leadership conference it primarily...

Bowden Institution Walk-a-thon
Not all prisoners are incorrigible criminals. With support from their churches, increasing numbers of inmates find faith behind prison...

Summer of Hope Radiothon
Beautiful summer weather belies a host of challenges for those in our inner city who face homelessness every day. Dehydration, sunburn,...